Say Goodbye to Submental Fat: Discover KYBELLA®

For many, submental fat will not be reduced despite diet or exercise routines. While liposuction is an effective remedy, many people prefer a non-surgical option. KYBELLA® is just that. At MD Beauty Lab, these simple injections can help you have a slender, more youthful jawline without incisions, stitches, or downtime. To find out more about KYBELLA in Portland, Oregon (the double chin injection), please schedule a consultation.

How It Works

KYBELLA injections are FDA-approved for reducing fat under the chin in adults. KYBELLA breaks down unwanted fat cells with a synthetic ingredient called deoxycholic acid, which also occurs naturally in the body and helps us digest the fat we eat. Over time, the treated fat cells are absorbed by the body and flushed out through natural metabolic processes.

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Alternatives to KYBELLA

There are both non-surgical and surgical alternatives (surgical options are available at our partner practice, Portland Plastic Surgery). 

  • CoolSculpting® with the CoolMini™ applicator is a non-surgical treatment that helps provide fat reduction over time.
  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure that provides precise fat reduction and immediate results, but it requires a brief recovery period.

During your consultation, we will develop a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and fits with the amount of time you have for recovery.

Procedure & Recovery

Your treatment of KYBELLA in Portland is performed in our office and takes approximately 30 minutes. After cleansing the area, we apply a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort. When the area is ready, the numbing cream is removed, and a grid of dots is marked on the skin to map the injection sites.

We then use a very fine needle to inject KYBELLA into the fat under your chin and on your upper neck. For desired results, most patients need two to four sessions spaced at least a month apart. Once your treatment is complete, you may return to your regular daily activities. Initially, the treated area may feel tender and have mild redness, swelling, or bruising. These side effects are typically temporary and fade quickly.

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How Much Do KYBELLA Double Chin Injections Cost?

The price of KYBELLA treatments will depend on the number of injections and sessions necessary to reach your desired look. After your initial consultation, we will be able to give you the exact price for your treatments.

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