Your Top Choice for the ZO 3-Step Peel in Portland

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your complexion and improve the tone, texture, and clarity of your facial skin, our ZO Peel in Portland is an innovative, non-invasive treatment worth considering. At MD Beauty Lab in Portland, our skin rejuvenation specialists are known for delivering personalized treatment and exceptionally natural-looking results.

What Is the ZO 3-Step Peel?

The ZO 3-Step Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel designed to revitalize the facial skin, enhancing its tone and texture while reducing signs of aging and other cosmetic issues.

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What Can Be Treated With the ZO 3-Step Peel?

The ZO 3-Step Peel is FDA-approved to improve the health and appearance of all skin types and tones. This powerful chemical peel can treat a wide variety of imperfections, including the following:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Dull or rough skin texture
  • Melasma
  • Acne
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Enlarged pores

How Does the ZO 3-Step Peel Work?

The ZO 3-Step Chemical Peel contains a blend of ingredients that work to gently slough away your outer layer of damaged skin and generate cellular turnover. The peel includes trichloroacetic, salicylic, and lactic acids as well as retinol cream.

The ZO 3-Step Peel also helps to restore the moisture balance of your skin and stimulates increased production of collagen, which is an important protein for the health and structure of the skin.

How Much Does the ZO 3-Step Peel Cost in Portland?

At MD Beauty Lab in Portland, our standard price for the ZO 3-Step Peel is $425.

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What to Expect During Your ZO 3-Step Peel Treatment

At our clinic, you can expect your ZO 3-Step Peel to take approximately 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Once you’ve had your initial consultation with one of our skin rejuvenation experts to discuss your aesthetic goals and preferences, the ZO 3-Step Peel treatment will be a simple process consisting of the following steps:

  • Step 1 - The chemical peel itself, containing a blend of three hydrating and anti-inflammatory acids, will be applied to your facial skin.
  • Step 2 - A stimulating retinol cream will be applied after the chemical peel is removed. This cream stimulates cellular regeneration, leading to increased collagen production and reduced signs of aging.
  • Step 3 - A special calming cream will be applied to restore moisture to your skin and minimize any inflammation and irritation caused by the chemical peel.

When the chemical peel treatment is finished, you’ll be able to immediately drive home or back to work.

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Does the ZO 3-Step Peel Hurt?

Some people experience a mild to moderate burning or stinging sensation for the first five to 10 minutes of the ZO 3-Step Peel. After that, though, the remainder of the treatment process should be comfortable and relaxing.

Is There Any Downtime Needed After a ZO 3-Step Peel?

No, you shouldn’t need any downtime after your ZO 3-Step Peel, and you will likely be able to get right back to your normal routine. However, you’ll need to avoid the following after your treatment:

  • Washing your face for at least five hours
  • Using any irritating skincare products for three days
  • Picking, rubbing, or scratching your facial skin
  • Direct sun exposure for seven to 10 days
  • Applying sunscreen until the skin is completely healed

Am I a Candidate for a ZO 3-Step Peel?

The ZO 3-Step Chemical Peel tends to be a good option for just about any adult looking to rejuvenate their facial skin, as the treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and tones. This peel can be an excellent choice if you’re experiencing skin issues such as dull or rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles, or uneven skin tone. Although the ZO 3-Step Peel is safe for most people, we do not recommend it or any chemical peel if you’re currently pregnant, nursing, or experiencing an active skin infection.

Book Your ZO 3-Step Peel Treatment at MD Beauty Lab in Portland

At MD Beauty Lab, we have a team of skilled skin rejuvenation specialists with extensive experience in administering chemical peels. If you’re ready to schedule your appointment for a ZO Peel in Portland, call us at (503) 987-3513 to book your virtual or in-person consultation with one of our knowledgeable aesthetic professionals.

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Common Questions

What can’t be treated with the ZO 3-Step Peel?

Although the ZO 3-Step Peel is effective in treating numerous skin issues, it is not ideal for addressing loose, sagging skin or more severe facial lines and wrinkles. For these issues, you will likely have more success with a laser-based or injectable treatment.

How often should I get ZO 3-Step Peels?

To keep your skin looking and feeling healthy at all times, you can undergo ZO 3-Step Peels as often as once every three to four weeks.

How long will it take to see the results of my ZO 3-Step Peel?

The day after your ZO 3-Step Peel, you will likely notice your skin starting to lightly peel, which will continue for up to a few days. Most patients start to see improvements in their skin tone and texture within about two weeks, and the full results should be visible after six weeks.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience mild side effects following your ZO 3-Step Peel treatment. The most common side effects include itching, redness, flaking, stinging, and mild swelling. These symptoms are relatively rare and typically only last for a few days.

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